Funds for The Feel-Good Foundation are raised through the organization's signature "Feel-Good Friday!" events, other special events, corporate donations, and individual contributions. Each year The Feel-Good Foundation board of advisors makes one or more grants to organizations meeting the foundation's criteria. Grant money comes from the earnings generated by investment of the fund. The frequency and size of grants varies annually based upon economic conditions and the foundation's portfolio. Visit Grant Guidelines for more detailed information.
Nature Center at Shaker Lakes
For the Environmental Educator-in-Residence Program at CMSD’s Stonebrook-White Montessori Campus.
Fine Arts Association
For support of Creative Arts Therapy programs for children with developmental disabilities.
Hospice of the Western Reserve
For seed funding for the Children’s Garden at the David Simpson Hospice House.
A Kid at Art for the Heart
For the Color Me in Confidence Program.
Fine Arts Association
For support of Creative Arts Therapy programs for children with developmental disabilities.
Hospice of the Western Reserve
For seed funding for new Children’s Garden at the David Simpson Hospice House.
Footpath Foundation
For Camp Kit supplies for overnight camp experiences for low income students, in partnership with CMSD and Boys & Girls Club.
Fine Arts Association
For support of Creative Arts Therapy programs for children with developmental disabilities.
Montessori Development
For Stonebrook Montessori, in partnership with Nature Center at Shaker Lakes, for support of the environmental educator-in-residence program.
Fine Arts Association
For music and art therapy scholarships for children with disabilities.
Red Oak Camp
For equipment and staff safety training for new tree climbing activities for youth campers.
Fine Arts Association
For music and art therapy scholarships for children with disabilities.
Frontline Service
For Camp Bridges, a bereavement camp for children who have endured the trauma of witnessing violence in their homes or the sudden loss of a loved one to homicide or suicide.
Lawrence School
For supplies for the “Veggie U” program, with the goal of increasing children's awareness of healthy food options, and teaching them how real food reaches their plate.
Fine Arts Association
For music and art therapy scholarships for children with disabilities.
Frontline Service
For Camp Bridges, a bereavement camp for children who have endured the trauma of witnessing violence in their homes or the sudden loss of a loved one to homicide or suicide.
Fine Arts Association
For music and art therapy scholarships for children with disabilities.
Lawrence School
For supplies for the “Veggie U” program, with the goal of increasing children's awareness of healthy food options, and teaching them how real food reaches their plate.
Hospice of the Western Reserve
For the Children’s Garden at the Ames Family Hospice House
Lawrence School
For classroom garden kits for the “Veggie U” program.
Hospice of the Western Reserve
For the Children’s Garden at the Ames Family Hospice House
Fine Arts Association
For music and art therapy scholarships for children with disabilities.
New Directions for Living
For enrollment fees, uniforms, equipment, transportation and physicals to enable children living in transitional housing to participate in extracurricular activities.
Fine Arts Association
For purchase of instruments for music therapy programming for children.
Red Oak Camp
For camper scholarships for low income participants.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Ohio
For development of marketing materials for recruiting mentors for children who need them.
Fine Arts Association
For music and art therapy scholarships for children with disabilities.
Fieldstone Farm Therapeutic Riding Center
For financial assistance ("riderships") for families unable to pay the full lesson fee, making equine-enriched educational opportunities for people with disabilities available to everyone.
Geauga Park District
For supplies for nature programming for local schools.
Fieldstone Farm Therapeutic Riding Center
For financial assistance ("riderships") for clients and families unable to pay the full lesson fee, making equine-enriched educational opportunities for people with disabilities available to everyone.
Eleanor B. Rainey Memorial Institute
For scholarship support for Rainey's "Bigger! Better! Stronger!" Summer Arts Day Camp program, which will provide young children and teenagers (most of whom come from families at or near poverty level) with programming to help them gain knowledge, enjoyment and invaluable life skills from the organization's arts education programs.
Geauga County Jobs & Family Services
Summer Camp/School Activity Fee Program
Funds pay for children receiving social services to attend summer camps such as YMCA, Boy Scouts and various special needs camps, as well as participate in fee-based after school activities.
Cuyahoga Valley National Park Association
For purchase of quality children's outdoor footwear, to allow economically disadvantaged children to participate in the Park's summer and school year outdoor educational programming.